Monday, January 2, 2012


Hey, It is 2012.

I managed to not post a blog the entire month of December. I don't know what is up with me about that.
I guess I let myself get side tracked. I still baked and did the whole housewife thing. But Totally skipped out on the whole weight loss thing.

I had made it down to 236 lb. Am now back up to 242. Which is an improvement. two days ago I weighed 245.  The yo-yoing has to stop and now. I have set some goals for myself for this year.

1. track everything I eat on MyFitnessPal You can friend me on there if you are using it.
2.Exercise every day
3. Weigh 220 or less by March 1st.
4. Weigh 200 or less by May 15th.
5. Take good progress photos of me every month. (will start that tonight!!)
6. Update this more often!

Now in my personal life I will be doing some change ups. My husband and I have a goal to have all debits paid off and money saved up for a move to Florida. I am going to be making my first step in the whole process soon. I will be signing up and taking a real estate course when we get out tax money in.

Our hope is that I can make a decent income that will be our savings doing this job. And that it would be a job that I enjoy doing.

Our goal is to save up enough that we can mostly buy a modest home in the St. Augustine area. We love the area. It is so beautiful and full of history. I also love how healthy I feel when I am down in Florida. I have to allergy or asthma issues down there.  It feels like a good fit..

I am hopeful about the future and about reaching my goals.

Please tell me what you think about my goals and what your goals are for this new year.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jess! I don't know if you'll remember me at all but this is Alison Palmore from Platteview! Had the weird urge to look up monolayth and found this. Congrats on being a wife and housewife, that's quite a change from the teen I used to know! =) Sounds like things are going great for you! I'm on Facebook if you'd like to get in touch but no pressure or anything as it's been years and I'm sure my finding you like this is a little weird. Hope 2012 is a great year for you and your family!
